Power Washing

Power washing, also known as pressure washing, is a process that uses high-pressure water jets to remove dirt, grime, and other contaminants from surfaces. Power washing is a standard method for cleaning the exterior of buildings, decks, patios, and driveways and removing stains from concrete and other surfaces. The process typically involves using a power washer that generates a high-pressure water jet. The power washer's pump pressurizes the water, and its hose delivers water to the surface that the power washer cleans.

To begin the power washing process, the operator mixes a cleaning solution, typically a detergent or a combination of water and cleaning chemicals, in a separate container. Next, the cleaning solution is added to the power washer's tank or applied directly to the surface. Then, the operator starts the power washer and aims the high-pressure water jet at the surface they will clean. They can adjust the water pressure and flow rate to suit the specific needs of the cleaning task. Next, the operator moves the nozzle of the power washer back and forth across the surface, applying the cleaning solution and high-pressure water in a sweeping motion. As the water and cleaning solution contact the surface, they loosen and lift away dirt, grime, and other contaminants. The operator may need to make multiple passes over the surface to ensure that they thoroughly clean it.

Power washing removes stubborn dirt and grime that traditional cleaning methods cannot remove. It can also help restore surfaces' appearance, making them look new. Power washing can also help to protect surfaces from further damage by eliminating contaminants that can cause erosion and decay.

Power washing can be dangerous if not done correctly. The high-pressure water jets used in the process can cause severe injuries if they come into contact with skin or eyes. Additionally, incorrect water pressure settings can damage the surface being cleaned and nearby objects. For these reasons, it is essential to leave power washing to the professionals. BGH Services has the equipment, training, and experience to safely and effectively clean surfaces without causing damage. We also have the knowledge and expertise to correctly set the water pressure and use the appropriate cleaning chemicals to remove dirt and stains effectively. In summary, power washing effectively removes dirt, grime, and stains from surfaces, but it can be dangerous if not done correctly. For this reason, it is best to leave power washing to professionals with the necessary equipment, training, and experience to do the job safely and effectively.

What is power washing?

What is the process?

Why is power washing important?

Why hire BGH Services?