Window Cleaning

Window cleaning is the process of removing dirt, streaks, and smudges from the surface of windows. There are various methods for cleaning windows, but the most common practice is using a squeegee and a cleaning solution.

The process of window cleaning typically involves the following steps:

  1. Preparing the work area: This involves moving any furniture or other items that may be in the way of the windows and covering any surfaces the cleaning solution may damage.

  2. Mixing the cleaning solution: There are a variety of window cleaning solutions available, but a standard recipe is to mix one part white vinegar with four parts water. Other ingredients, such as dish soap or alcohol, can be added to the mixture to improve its cleaning power.

  3. Applying the cleaning solution: The cleaning solution is typically applied to the window using a spray bottle, a bucket, or a squeegee. It is essential to make sure that the entire surface of the window is covered with the cleaning solution to ensure that all dirt and streaks get removed.

  4. Scrubbing the window: If the window is filthy, it may be necessary to clean it with a scrub brush or a soft cloth to loosen any dried-on dirt or grime.

  5. Wiping the window dry: Once the window gets scrubbed, removing the cleaning solution and any dirt loosened from the window is crucial. A squeegee typically gets used for this task, starting at the top of the window and pulling it down to the bottom in a single, smooth motion.

There are several benefits to having clean windows:

  • Clean windows allow more natural light to enter a room, making it feel brighter and more welcoming. Clean windows also improve the overall appearance of a building, both inside and out.

  • Dirty windows can obstruct the view, making it difficult to see.

  • Clean windows provide a clear picture of the outside world, which can be especially important in emergencies.

While it is possible to clean windows yourself, it can be a time-consuming and labor-intensive task. Additionally, if the windows are not adequately cleaned, streaks and smudges may not be removed, which can be frustrating and unsightly. Therefore, it is often best to leave window cleaning to the professionals. Our professional window cleaners have the equipment and expertise to clean windows quickly and effectively, ensuring that they do the job right the first time. We also have the necessary safety equipment to reach high or hard-to-reach windows, such as ladders and harnesses.

What is window cleaning?

What is the process?

Why is window cleaning important?

Why hire BGH Services?